From 07/08/2024 to 07/12/2024

Lyon - France

Registration fees

Registration fees include the participation to all the classes, teaching and training materials,


PhD and Master students: 350 €
Participants from public institutions: 600 €
Other participants: 800 €

Registration procedure

Please log into your personal account on our website with your e-mail address and your password


Meals on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes and coffee breaks are included in your registration. Please indicate any special dietary requirements when you register.

Rate selection

Registration fees include the participation to all the classes, teaching and training materials and Meals on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes and coffee breaks.

Payment by

1) Credit or debit card
Click on the link 'I want to pay by credit or debit card' in your personal account on the website. Your registration will only be valid once we receive both your payment and the requested identification documents.
2) Order form (for the French participants only)
Merci d'établir le bon de commande au nom de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Veuillez envoyer un bon de commande pour chaque participant par mail à elitecat2024@univ-lyon1.fr. La facture vous sera adressée après la réception de votre bon de commande.